
How to Prevent Freezing Pipes This Winter

How to Prevent Freezing Pipes This Winter

When the temperature drops, it can mean a lot of inconvenience for you and your family. Scraping windshields, bundling up in coats and scarves, and warming up cars are just a few of the winter-weather tasks that many of us aren’t looking forward to. In addition to...

Is It Flushable?

Is It Flushable?

We’ve all been in the unfortunate situation of flushing the toilet only to watch it slowly overflow onto the floor. This is likely due to you or someone who was in the bathroom before you flushing something they weren’t supposed to down the toilet. So how do you know...

Caring for Your Appliances: Winter Tips and Tricks

Caring for Your Appliances: Winter Tips and Tricks

Keeping your appliances in good working order helps you save money, time, and frustration. It’s also a way to keep your family safe and comfortable. Though this is important at all times of the year, having appliances run smoothly during the winter takes on even more...

Most Commonly Asked Plumbing Questions and Answers

Most Commonly Asked Plumbing Questions and Answers

Your home’s plumbing can be baffling. From unexplained leaks to strange noises and even stranger smells, plumbing issues can range from mildly annoying to downright dangerous. Knowing what the source of plumbing issues are and then understanding whether you can tackle...

Have a Clogged Drain? Here are the Dos and Don’ts of Cleaning It

Have a Clogged Drain? Here are the Dos and Don’ts of Cleaning It

Having a clogged drain in your home is frustrating. Many homeowners believe they can clean the drain out themselves to save time and money. Knowing what you should and should not attempt at home – and why – will help you make the best decisions. Here are the dos and...